2012. okt 05.

Weboldalak ezreit törte fel az 3xp1r3 Cyber Army

írta: MaxBlog
Weboldalak ezreit törte fel az 3xp1r3 Cyber Army

A '3xp1r3 Cyber Army' nevû hacker csoport több mint 1000 weboldalt defacelt, így tüntetve a Nakoula Basseley rendezte 'Innocence of Muslims' film ellen.


A hackerek a következô üzenetet helyezték el a feltört weboldalakon: "Islam means Peace. We, the Muslims want peace all over the world. But you don't want to be stay in peace. Don't think us weak. We are more more and more stronger than you that you cannot imagine. By creating this video you have just insulted our "Islam" and our beloved Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w.) and break the peace between you and us. Now we are in your cyber space to destroy it. We will hit you until you stop hitting us and want marcy for your did."

A defacelt oldalak listája elérhető a pastebin-en: http://pastebin.com/rhgUWtrL

Mirror oldalak: http://hack-db.com/team/3xp1r3_Cyber_Army/all.html

Szólj hozzá

hack army news cyber deface 3xp1r3